Global Denim SA de C.V. originated as a family business with over 45 years of experience in the textile market, distributing and importing denim mostly for the domestic market.
The company was formally founded in 1994 as a denim factory, supplying the Mexican market and exporting to various international destinations and major international brands, with the primary aim of meeting the needs of its customers in terms of quality, variety, speed, and service.
Global Denim has the most modern machinery, thus combining its proven experience and technology to produce denim of the highest quality with guaranteed continuity.
Being a vertical company that does not depend on external services, Global Denim has managed to gain a strong presence in domestic and international markets.
Global Denim has been committed to providing its customers with an excellent product, manufactured under the highest quality global standards levels and ensuring total satisfaction on every shipment.
In Global Denim we maintain our plants acclimated and heated constantly regulating the humidity and temperature, periodically renewing the air, and removing dust and impurities from the environment.
Each meter of fabric is carefully inspected and rated according to international procedures under the four-point system. This permanent quality control begins from the receipt of raw materials and ends with the post-sale service offered to customers.
This same commitment has led Global Denim, to obtain the success that allows us to provide value and support to our product.
Phone Numbers
Mexico City / Main Office
Phone: +52 (55) 53-58-49-09
Puebla / Denim Mill
Phone: +52 (248) 48-40-632